Minina Elena Nikolaevna, PhD in Biological sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Rehabilitation and Health Technologies of the Tavricheskaya Academy of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Vernadskogo Avenue, 4, 295007 Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation; phone: +7-978-730-81-04; e-mail:
Bobrik Yury Valerievich, Grand PhD in Medical sciences (Dr. Med. Sci), Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy with a Course of Physical Education of the Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Lenina Boulevard, 5/7, 295006 Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation; e-mail:
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 3
Pages: 42-48
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 612. 2: 159. 964: 57. 024
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-3-42-48
Introduction. Increased requirements during the working day are accompanied by non-compliance with occupational health and recreation and, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle of a modern woman, lead to a decrease in the adaptive capacity of the body and an increase in biological age. The intensive rhythm of labor activity physiologically requires large functional reserves, which are used by the body irrationally under stress, with a high cost of adaptation against the background of increased anxiety, which is an important medical and social problem that requires effective solutions.
Aim. The aim of this work was to research the efficiency of use of Hatha yoga at rehabilitation of middle age women with the increased level of anxiety, correction of their psychosomatic health.
Materials and methods. 2 groups (main and control) of 15 women of 35–40 years old leading an active labor life with a reduced level of functional reserves and a raised level of anxiety were created. The main group had classes on Hatha yoga, the control group had exercises on relaxation, development of flexibility, breathing exercises.
The biological age was calculated by the V. P. Voytenko’s method. The level of anxiety was studied by means of the Spielberger self-assessment scale. Physical working capacity PWC170 was determined using step-stress test. The condition of neurohumoral regulation of heart rate are studied by the method of variational pulsometry with the help of 12 channel computer ECG complex Cardiolife. The stress index of R. M. Bayevsky was analyzed, as well as the spectral parameters of the heart rate: high-frequency component, slow waves of the 1st order, the coefficient of vagosympathetic balance characterizing the growth of centralization of control was calculated. The methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the results of the study.
Results. During the eight-week corrective measures in the main group engaged in Hatha yoga, the results were achieved, quantitatively more significant than in the control group. It is necessary to note a significant increase in lung capacity by an average of 0.9 ± 0.1 L (p < 0.05) as one of the adaptive effects in the main group. Optimization of respiratory function was accompanied by changes in circulatory parameters of blood circulation and its vegetative support, which significantly reduced the tension of regulatory mechanisms in terms of the stress index by more than 30.0 % (p < 0.001). The eight-week course of Hatha yoga, in contrast to the classes in the control group, leads to a significant decrease in the level of anxiety. Psychophysiological action of self-regulating exercises in combination with physical exercises-asanas allowed for a significant increase in the level of physical health of the patients.
Conclusion. The use of breathing and relaxation exercises in the rehabilitation of women with high levels of anxiety in a short two-month period significantly increases the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy, the level of their psychosomatic health. The revealed means and mechanisms of physiological influence on the body reduce the level of anxiety, optimize vegetative regulation, increase the efficiency and level of health in women.
Keywords: adaptive reactions, anxiety level., regulation of breathing, rehabilitation, relaxation exercises
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