Smychek Vasiliy Borisovich, Honored worker of science of the Republic of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences (Dr. Med. Sci), Professor, Director of the National Science and Practice Centre of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation, 223027 Gorodishche settlement, Minsk district, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus; е-mail:
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Journal number: 2
Pages: 7-17
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 616.036.82/.85
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2020-2-2-7-17
Introduction. The problem of disabled citizens is relevant and modern for any country of the world, as anyone at a certain point in life can experience restrictions in their functioning. There are chronic diseases that lead to restrictions on his life, reduced quality of life and disability. There are a number of acute diseases that result in severe disability effects in an individual.
Aim. A statement of the historical aspects of the establishment of rehabilitation, the current state, the rehabilitation system in the Republic of Belarus, the prospects for the development of the rehabilitation direction.
Materials and methods. The main historical stages of rehabilitation formation are presented. A modern view is given on the consequences of the disease from the perspective of rehabilitation, as well as on ensuring the proper quality of rehabilitation assistance. The system of medical rehabilitation in the Republic of Belarus is described.
The prospects for further development of rehabilitation are outlined.
Results. In the historical aspect, human society has come a long way in understanding the provision of rehabilitation assistance to disabled citizens, that is, people with persistent consequences of diseases and injuries. Today, modern views on the consequences of the disease are used to maximize the objectification of the patient’s condition and determine his need for specific types of social assistance and protection. The quality of medical care is taking the lead. The current state of society determines the main directions and prospects for the further development of rehabilitation.
Conclusion. The progressive development of society predetermined the progressive development of rehabilitation as a direction conducive to the maximum integration of disabled citizens into the family, collective, and society. In the last decade, rehabilitation has been further developed. Today, national rehabilitation systems have been created in different countries. The Republic of Belarus successfully operates a staged system of medical rehabilitation. The medical-demographic and socio-economic aspects taking place in the modern world determine promising directions for the further improvement of rehabilitation.
Keywords: disability, disabled person, medical and social assessment, prospects, quality, rehabilitation
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