From the first invention of clothing for the disabled to the organization of remote technology of its production and the system of providing those in need of it


Volkova Valentina Mikhailovna, PhD in Historical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of Orthopedic Shoes and Special Clothing for the Disabled of Institute of Prosthetics and Orthotics of Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht, Bestuzhevskaya Street 50, 195067 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; phone: 8 (905) 216-90-37; e-mail:

Smirnova Ludmila Mikhailovna, Grand PhD in Engineering sciences, leading researcher of the Department of Biomechanical Studies of the Musculoskeletal System of Institute of Prosthetics and Orthotics of Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht, Bestuzhevskaya Street 50, 195067 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; Professor of the Biotechnical Systems Department of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Professora Popova Street 5, 197376 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Filatov Vladimir Ilyich, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, Honorary Doctor of the Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht, Bestuzhevskaya Street 50, 195067 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 3 

Pages: 14-28

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 617.3;687.1;004

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-3-14-28


Introduction. The complexity, and often the impossibility of self-use of ordinary clothing by persons with disabilities with anatomical defects and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system leads to their full or partial dependence on outside help and restriction of life. The solution to this problem is the creation of special clothing as a technical means of rehabilitation and the organization of a system of mass provision of such clothing to all those in need.

Aim. The aim of the article is to highlight the problem of rehabilitation of disabled people with special clothing, to emphasize its medical and social importance and to draw the attention of specialists to the need and prospects for further development of this area, taking into account the experience of the development of scientific and practical directions for the creation of special functional and aesthetic clothing. Materials and methods. The material of the study is the results of scientific-research and experimental-design works on rehabilitation of disabled persons with special clothing, first performed since the 1970th in Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Prosthetics and continuing in our days already in the Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A.
Albrecht of Ministry of Labor of Russia. Other materials of the study are the reviews of specialists and patients who participated in the testing of remote technology of production of functional and aesthetic clothing and providing it to the disabled at their place of residence. As research methods were used: retrospective historical analysis of the problem; theoretical method, including analysis, synthesis and analogy; method of system analysis.

Results. Studies have shown that the main contingent of people, who are the most dependent on the assistance of other people in the use of ordinary clothing, are disabled with defects or lack of both hands. The solution to this problem for many years was carried out with the help of modifications of ordinary clothes by giving it devices for fastening and unbuttoning or the development of special devices for putting on and removing ordinary clothes. Only since 1972, in the former Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics on the basis of interdisciplinary research, a systematic approach was taken, based on the development of functional and aesthetic clothing as part of the biotechnical system “disabled – prosthesis – clothing”. Independent control of the functional and aesthetic clothing is carried out by compensatory movements performed by the body instead of the lost functions of the hands. Such clothing was classified as prosthetic and orthopedic products issued to disabled persons free of charge. However, to provide all needy people with disabilities was not possible due to the remoteness of their residence from a single Center of manufacturing of functional and aesthetic clothing – Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A.
Albrecht of Ministry of Labor of Russia. The authors of this article in 1997 for the first time proposed and developed the idea of computer remote technology as a solution to the problem associated with the provision of disabled people functional and aesthetic clothing at their place of residence, which excludes the need of their arrival for this purpose in the Center of manufacturing of functional and aesthetic clothing. Software and hardware systems for the implementation of such technology have been developed. Approbation of remote technology of manufacturing of the order for clothes caused positive responses in Russia and abroad. Now it is expedient to carry out revival of this technology at the new technical and organizational level according to modern opportunities and requirements of time. The article describes the tasks that should be solved to achieve this goal.

Conclusion. The analysis of the problem of rehabilitation of disabled people by means of special clothes showed its high medical and social importance and prospects of further development of this direction at the condition of application drafted by authors of article of the remote production technology of functional and aesthetic clothes and providing disabled people with finished products in the place of their accommodation. For achievement of mass and high-quality production of functional and aesthetic clothes and providing all needing disabled people with such clothes with the minimum expenses for the state, it is necessary build earlier developed remote technology to a new technological level due to use of opportunities of modern measuring and information means. The solution of problems of revival and improvement of the remote production technology of functional and aesthetic clothes with the system of providing disabled people with individually made parametrical products in the place of their accommodation (without arrival to the Center of production of this clothes) can be reached only with the state support.

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