Rakhmanina Irina Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Rehabilitation “Correction and development”, PhD in Psychological sciences, Associate Professor, 12а Tatishcheva Street, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation, e-mail: irinarah.72@mail.ru
Syazina Natalya Yurevna, Director of the Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Rehabilitation “Correction and development”, 12а Tatishcheva Street, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation, e-mail: Centr-reab@rambler.ru
Timashevа Larisa Vladimirovna, Head of the Resource Methodological Center of the Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Rehabilitation “Correction and development”, PhD in Psychological sciences, Associate Professor, 12а Tatishcheva Street, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation, phone +79673371172, e-mail: lavtim@mail.ru
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Journal number: 1
Pages: 61-67
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 159.922.762
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2020-2-1-61-67
Introduction. Currently, there is no doubt the significance of problem of providing early comprehensive care for children with disabilities. The systematic approach makes it possible to consider early assistance to the child as a single system, which makes it easier to achieve the goals of the functioning of this system with the help of a clear and precise understanding of the operation of the subsystems and their integration into a single whole. Therefore, the provision of early integrated care should be based on the principles of a systematic approach.
Aim. To justify the need for a systematic approach in providing early assistance to children with disabilities, which involves a complex combination of psychological, pedagogical and therapeutic effects in the rehabilitation process.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of a systematic approach, according to which a person is considered as an integral being, consisting of an inextricable set of physiological, neurodynamic, psychological, social and psychological properties. The study was conducted in 2019 on the basis of Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Rehabilitation “Correction and Development” in Astrakhan. The study included a generalization and description of the work experience of specialists of the early aid service, as well as specialists from the departments of medical and social rehabilitation, integrated diagnostics, medical pedagogy and the psychological and pedagogical assistance service of the center.
Results and discussion. A generalization of the experience of the specialists of the center for early assistance showed that when the treatment and preventive measures aimed at restoring the physiological and psychophysiological reactions of the child are included in the complex of early care services, the rehabilitation efficiency is increased. In accordance with the laws of ontogenesis, the properties of the human structure in the process of phylogenesis and ontogenesis develop in the direction from bottom to top, from the somatic to the social level. At the same time, the higher level is formed on the basis of lower structures, and the relationships between the properties of different levels are indirect. Features of the development of a child at an early age, the plasticity of the central nervous system and the ability to compensate for impaired functions allows, through targeted action, to correct initially impaired mental and motor functions with reversible defects and to prevent the occurrence of secondary developmental abnormalities at a higher social and psychological level.
Summary. The organization of early assistance to children with developmental disabilities should be based on the principle of an integrated approach, which includes medical rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical components. This involves the involvement of specialists from different departments and cooperation with the family of the child.
Keywords: children of the target group, early care, medical and rehabilitation component, rehabilitation, systematic approach
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