Evseev Sergey
Evseev Sergey Petrovich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Vice President of the Paralympic Committee of Russia, President of the All-Russian public organization «All-Russian Sports Federation of persons with intellectual disabilities», Head of the First in the Russian Federation Department of Theory and Methods of «Adaptive physical education» of The Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg.
He has the title of «Best Sports Scientist 1993»; laureate of the award «For outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary vocational education»; Chevalier of the Order «Honor and Nobility» Special Olympic Committee of St. Petersburg; Awarded medals of the Order for Services to the Fatherland, II and I degrees, the Order of Friendship. He is the author of more than 500 scientific and educational works, the owner of 5 copyright certificates, 30 patents for inventions and a patent for an industrial design «Adaptive physical education». Initiator-developer of a new specialty for our country – Physical Education for Persons with Disabilities in Health Status (Adaptive Physical Culture). Under the general editorship of S. P. Evseev, the first in Russia textbook «Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture» was published. The author is the developer of the State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the first generation with a degree in Physical Education for Persons with Disabilities in Adoptive Physical Culture and the GEF II and III generations. On the initiative of S. P. Evseev, the quarterly magazine «Adaptive Physical Education» was established for Russia, and for the first time in our country, integrated scientific teams were introduced to the national teams of Russia in Paralympic sports.