To the scientific substantiation of the model of the regional system of continuing professional education of personnel of rehabilitation organizations


Starobina Elena Mikhailovna – Grand PhD in Pedagogical sciences (Dr. Ped. Sci.), chief scientist at the Department of Social and Vocational Rehabilitation of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of the Disabled, Albreoht Federal Scientific and Educational Centre of Medkal and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:;

Ryabtsev Mikhail Viktorovich – Head of the Department of Social and Vocational Rehabilitation and Habilitation of the disabled Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of the Disabled, А1ЬгссЫ Federal Scientific and Educational Centre of Medkal and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:;

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2024 Volume: 6 Journal number: 3 

Pages: 101-107

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 374.1, 364.62

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2024-6-3-101-107


Introduction. The relevance of improving the personnel training system of rehabilitation organizations, the formation of an integrated system of continuing professional education of these rehabilitation specialists is due to the active development of the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people in Russia and the human resources potential as one of the components of this system.

Aim. The purpose of the study was to scientifically substantiate the model of the regional system of continuing professional education of specialists providing rehabilitation and habilitation services, for the possibility of further development of unique regional models that take into account the peculiarities of the rehabilitation and educational landscapes of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Materials and methods. The object of the study was the approaches and basic provisions underlying the model of the regional system of continuing professional education of rehabilitation specialists. The information analysis of literary sources was used to assess the need for advanced training of personnel for the rehabilitation system, to study modern approaches, principles and models for the formation of regional systems of continuing professional education.

Results. Based on the analysis, the requirements for the modern regional system of continuing professional education of specialists of rehabilitation organizations ensuring its effectiveness are determined. Modern approaches and principles of its formation are defined, the components of this system, the functions of regional resource and methodological centers for comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation in the field of personnel and methodological support are disclosed.

Discussion. Most of the modern challenges facing modern education cannot be solved only with the help of educational structures. The employer becomes not only a customer, but also a direct participant in the educational process at all its stages: from program development to participation in the educational process, practical training and final certification of graduates, up to the organization of training.

Summary. The results of the scientific substantiation will allow us to approach the development of optimal models of regional systems of continuing professional education of specialists providing rehabilitation and habilitation services in the social protection system, which will contribute to improving the quality of their training and advanced training, the formation of relevant professional competencies, which in turn will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people.

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