The model of early help in the Perm region: experience and prospects of development


Bronnikov Vladimir Anatolievich, Dr. Med. Sci., professor, director of Center of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled People; the Heard of Department of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, Perm State Medical University named after ac. E.A. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation; professor of Social Work and Conflict Study Department, Perm State University, Lodygin St., 39, 614090 Perm, Russian Federation. E-mail: info@

Grigoreva Milana Igorevna, senior lecturer of Social Work and Conflict Study Department, Perm State University; senior methodist of the Regional Resource and Methodical Center of State Institution of Perm region Center of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled People, Lodygin St., 39, 614090 Perm, Russian Federation.

Morozova Alla Sergeevna, the Head of the Regional Resource and Methodical Center of State Institution of Perm region Center of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled People, Lodygin St., 39, 614090 Perm, Russian Federation.

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 1 

Pages: 23-32

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 364.444

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-1-23-32


Introduction. On August 31, 2016, Russian Government approved the Concept of Development of Early Help System in the country, so it authorized the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to actively engage in the process of implementing the new social practice, which is early help. The specificity of the Concept was the requirement of a complex view to the organization of early help. It was necessary to develop early help services in state organizations and NGOs in the health care, social services and education. Now early help or early intervention has become a fundamentally new practice in Russia, while abroad multidisciplinary teams have been working with families of children with disabilities much more longer. The participation in the Pilot project on the formation of a system of complex rehabilitation and habilitation of people and children with disabilities, has made possible to test the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in the Perm region, to study the experience of other regions in the sphere of early help, to develop and to implement our own model of early help, to see their prospects for the development.

Aim. To analyze the implementation of the regional model of early help to families and children in Perm region, to describe the prospects of its development.

Materials and methods. Experience of development of a regional model of the system of early help which is based on the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation is present in the article. We try to analyze the application of technologies and methods of professional work in this area, to think how to develop the interagency cooperation in this sphere in Perm region.

Results. We have a Perm regional model of early help today. It includes the methods for determining the need for early help services, the technology for providing early help services, three programs of working with families and children, the functioning of organizations and institutions of the health care system, social services and education and the effectiveness assessment of early help services. At the moment, following the results of the Pilot Project, a package of documents has been prepared for adoption concerning the procedure for providing early help. The experience of implementing of early help technology is reflected in the draft of Regional program of development of early help in Perm region.

Conclusion. Technology of early help according to Guidelines of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation was tested in the Perm region from 2016 to 2018. So the approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the provision of early assistance services were formed, local and regional documents on the provision of early help services and the organization of interagency cooperation are drafted now.

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List of cited literature:

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