Ugleva Elena Mikhailovna, PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2 Litovskaya Street, 194100 Saint-Рetersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:;
Orel Vasily Ivanovich, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2 Litovskaya Street, 194100 Saint-Рetersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:
In the heading: Rewiews
Year: 2023 Volume: 5 Journal number: 3
Pages: 66-74
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 614.29
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2023-5-3-66-74
Introduction. In accordance with the procedure for the provision of rehabilitation services, all measures and funds necessary for a citizen are reflected in the individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person when a disability is established. The main condition for a disabled person to receive technical means of rehabilitation is to indicate him in the individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation. Article 11 of Federal Law N. 181-FZ states that rehabilitation measures can be provided to a disabled person free of charge in accordance with the Federal List, as well as at their own expense and at the expense of other persons or organizations. The need to provide and the type of technical means of rehabilitation is based on the type and severity of persistent violations of the body’s functions, the category and degree of disability, determined on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Labour of Russia N. 585n “On the classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination”.
Aim. The aim of the study was to study the recommendations of the technical means of rehabilitation in the individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation for people with disabilities with HIV infection.
Materials and methods. A random sampling method was used to perform a retrospective analysis of 100 protocols for conducting medical and social examination of citizens with HIV/AIDS in federal state institutions of medical and social examination of St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia in the period from 2017 to 2020.
Results. According to the results obtained, in 70.3 % of cases there was no indication for the recommendation of a specific device or means necessary to reduce or compensate for the limitations of degree of disability in people with HIV infection. In 17.6 % cases of potential need for technical means of rehabilitation were identified without their recommendation to the individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation.
Discussion. According to the results of the analysis of the protocols of medical and social examination of citizens with HIV/AIDS on the frequency of need for technical means of rehabilitation in this group, carried out by the authors, it can be concluded that in the rehabilitation process, technical means of rehabilitation in people with disabilities with HIV infection are used less frequently than in the Russian Federation as a whole.
Conclusion. The article presents the main reasons for the rarer prescription of technical means of rehabilitation in this pathology, such as: the formation of persistent dysfunctions of various body systems in HIV infection/AIDS often does not lead to significant degree of disability; insufficient awareness of doctors of medical organizations of medical commissions about the indications for prescribing technical means of rehabilitation for this pathology, as well as regarding the Federal List of rehabilitation measures and the Regional List of additional technical means of rehabilitation. Possible ways to solve this problem are given, namely, raising the awareness of medical workers about the possibility of prescribing technical means of rehabilitation in people with disabilities with HIV/AIDS, which is reflected, in particular, in this article.
Keywords: AIDS, disability, HIV infection, limitation of life activity, medical and social expertise, technical means of rehabilitation
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