Soletskiy Vitaliy, clinical psychologist Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research of Saki Military Clinical Sanatorium named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Kurortnaya St., 2, 296500 Saky, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation. E-mail:; phone: 8 (978) 838-22-13
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 2
Pages: 16-20
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 159.9.07
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-2-16-20
Introduction. Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system remain in our time a frequent cause of disability of the population. This entails a number of problems: physical, psychological and social. The relevance of the article is to use an integrative psychological approach in the rehabilitation of disabled people. A method of psychological rehabilitation of disabled people is proposed, giving a new view on physical limitations.
Aim. To display the qualitative transformation of the consciousness of the disabled person and the perception of injury, accompanied by emotional harmonization, as a result of psychological rehabilitation.
Materials and methods. The research involved 34 patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system and local lesions of the somatomotor region of the cerebral cortex, leading to disability.
Among them – 19 men and 15 women, aged 20 to 49 years old, with a disability of not more than 5 years. The duration of their stay in the sanatorium ranged from 21 to 42 days.
Results. A significant decrease in discomfort and maladaptive emotions among the patients who participated in the study was noted at the end of the rehabilitation: fear – 45% patients; anger – 18%; shame – 54%; offenses – 27%; sadness – 63%; guilt – 12%. In the majority of patients, initially two or more dissimilar feelings were noted.
Therefore, a significant improvement in emotional well-being reached more than 70% of subjects. No change was noted in 6% of the patients who participated in the study. At the beginning of rehabilitation, an analysis of ways of coping behavior of persons with disabilities showed that more than 80% of the subjects had one accentuated pronounced coping strategy and poorly developed others. After the rehabilitation, 69% noted the leveling of the levels of various ways of coping. The most significant indicators: a pronounced decrease to the adaptive level on the scales: Flight-avoidance – 63% of disabled people; Distance – 72%; Positive revaluation – 57%.
Conclusion. The article attempts to fully cover the essence of the psychological suffering of people with disabilities and the root causes of their psychological maladjustment. At the same time, the integration of additional mechanisms of influence upon psychological rehabilitation is quite possible. The analysis shows the high efficiency of the described approach in psychological rehabilitation in the conditions of a clinical sanatorium, as well as in further work.
Keywords: limited physical abilities, phenomenological approach, psychological rehabilitation, psychological trauma
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