Vladimir V. Ezhov, MD, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Research, Sechenov Academic Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation, 10/3 Mukhina Street, 298603 Yalta, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation, ORCID: 0000-0002-1190-967X; eLibrary SPIN: 6266-7728; e-mail: atamur@ mail.ru
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Journal number: 3
Pages: 40-48
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 613.11+613.71
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2020-2-3-40-48
The review analyzes the importance of physical activity in thalassotherapy programs in seaside climatic spa-resorts and its impact on the health of the population of sea coasts. Previously, shown the positive effect of the integrated conduct of climatotherapy and physiotherapy. These observations are not consistent with the canons of evidence-based medicine, which justifies the continuation of further research. The complexity of their implementation is due to the fact that many physical factors are combined in these influences and only a comprehensive assessment of their effectiveness is possible. Compliance with the full-fledged design of placebo- controlled comparative clinical trials in this context is difficult, since it is impossible to eliminate the effects of the external environment in the control group.
The search was conducted on the resources of the Cochrane Library, PubMed MEDLINE, MedlinePlus, PedRO, ELIBRARY.RU. The data of 35 publications was discussed (13 domestic, 21 foreign), of which 4 cohort studies, 9 meta-reviews, 17 results of controlled trials, 5 manuals. They present the outcomes of various physical exercises at seaside climatic spa-resorts for patients with chronic diseases, as well as data on the impact on the health and quality of life of the population of sea coasts.
The discussed modern cohort studies, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials on the issue under consideration are represented by few results. The correspondence of the volumes of motor regimes in domestic seaside spa-resorts with the global recommendations of the WHO was revealed. The effectiveness of thalassotherapy in bronchial asthma and chronic pain syndromes was revealed; seaside path walking — in cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal pathology. The beneficial effect of the coastal environment on health and quality of life, physical activity and the emotional state of the population of sea coasts is reliably proven.
Conclusion. In the seaside climatic spa-resorts, it is necessary to continue studying the effectiveness of physical exercises for diseases indicated for spa treatment. It is important to determine the optimal volumes and seasons of the year for their implementation. The scientific rationale for the appropriateness of physical exercise rehabilitation treatment programs will help improve the quality of medical rehabilitation in specialized patients with chronic diseases. For the widespread use of the full range of physical exercises in thalassotherapy programs, the maximum accessibility of the sea coast is necessary. This will have a positive effect on the state of population health, especially in the presence of obesity, physical inactivity and mental disorders.
Keywords: chronic diseases, climate, health, physical activity, seaside resort, thalassotherapy
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