Denis I. Shadrin, PhD in Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of sports medicine and health technologies of the Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg, 35 Dekabristov Str., 190121 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, tel.: (812) 714-69-81, e-mail:
In the heading: Rewiews
Year: 2022 Volume: 4 Journal number: 2
Pages: 75-83
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 615.825
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2022-4-2-75-83
Introduction. Movement or exercise in the middle of the 18th century began to be used in medicine as a remedy. At this time, the application of the movement was divided into two areas (analytical and anthropotherapy), which were used in different European countries: Russia, Sweden, Italy, Germany, France. In this regard, of interest are the historical aspects of the rationale for the use of movement, physical exercises for therapeutic purposes and the role of P.F. Lesgaft in the development of the medical direction by means of physical culture in Russia.
Aim. To study the historical aspect of the development and formation of medical gymnastics in Russia and analyze the scientific and pedagogical contribution of P.F. Lesgaft in the use of physical exercises for therapeutic purposes.
Materials and methods. The analysis of scientific, educational, methodical, pedagogical literature is carried out, which contains information about the history of the development of the use of physical exercises for therapeutic purposes in Russia and the scientific and pedagogical contribution of P.F. Lesgaft in the development of the use of physical culture in the treatment of diseases.
Results. The issues of medical gymnastics in pre-revolutionary Russia were dealt with by: Mondileni, De-Ron, Berglin, Lesgaft and others. Under the influence of the progressive views of Russian medical scientists M.Ya. Mudrov, N.I. Pirogov, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin, P.F. Lesgaft and many others, the ideas of physiotherapy exercises were developed and the preventive direction of the use of physical exercises was promoted.
Modern justifications of exercise therapy are the development of the scientific ideas of P.F. Lesgaft. In 1890, his works were published, which contained a scientific justification for the use of physical education for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. P.F. Lesgaft reveals the physiological impact of movements on the healthy body of the practitioner. One of the first P.F. Lesgaft substantiates the need for the teacher to have knowledge about the psychophysical influence of physical exercises on the organs and systems of the student.
At the end of the 19th century, P.F. Lesgaft laid the foundation for corrective gymnastics, using physical exercises for various diseases and curvatures of the skeletal system, in particular the spine.
P.F. Lesgaft should rightfully be considered a pioneer of medical control over those involved in physical culture.
P.F. Lesgaft is one of the first who began to use the methods and principles of pedagogy. The connection and interdependence of muscular activity and internal organs with mental manifestations was given by P.F. Lesgaft reason to consider physical exercises as a means of mental education and moral education. Essential for P.F. Lesgaft had the development of a muscular feeling when performing physical exercises.
Discussion. In the development of physical therapy, the legacy left by P.F. Lesgaft and his followers is of particular importance. Their activity is characterized by profound scientific character, democracy and patriotism. They considered the mental and physical development of a person as two sides of a single process of the organism’s vital activity.
At present, the successor of the Lesgaft school of exercise therapy is the Department of sports medicine and health technologies of the Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg. It expands the theoretical foundations, which consist in the development of unified motor modes, in the need to know the mechanisms of sanogenesis and their practical application to justify the impact on the human body by motor actions, which are disclosed in the concept of maladaptation to multifactorial pathogenic effects on the human body, the basis of which is a violation of the mechanisms of sanogenesis or mechanisms of homeostasis.
At the present stage, in medical classes, wireless gaming systems (WII Nintendo, etc.) are used that perform imitative motor actions. Imitation exercises repeat any motor actions of animals, sports movements and create conditions for learning motor actions. The basis for the application of these exercises are the ideas of physical education by P.F. Lesgaft.
Conclusion. The materials reveal the historical aspects of the rationale for the use of movement, physical exercises for therapeutic purposes, the formation of medical gymnastics in Russia and the role of P.F. Lesgaft in the development of the therapeutic direction by means of physical culture, the rationale for the use of these means in medicine and the use of pedagogical methods and means in medical gymnastics.
P.F. Lesgaft scientifically substantiated the use of physical education for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, developed the basics of physical education for schoolchildren, developed a method of corrective gymnastics for various diseases and curvature of the skeletal system, in particular the spine, systematized the main provisions of natural and medical gymnastics, with a detailed knowledge of human anatomy and muscle functions and the development of the muscular system, created a manual on anthropometry for those involved in physical culture. The merit of P.F. Lesgaft in the field of pedagogy is the consideration of physical exercises in conjunction with the psyche as a means of physical education and moral education (“Method of the word”, education of muscular feeling). Modern creative development of the scientific heritage of P.F. Lesgaft is to use physical exercises in accordance with the impact on the mechanisms of sanogenesis (adaptation, compensation, reparation), which are fully consistent with the direction of development of holistic integrative medicine, as well as in the development of unified motor modes based on the individual rehabilitation potential of the patient. The developed motor modes are the exercise therapy algorithm for various diseases.
Keywords: medical gymnastics, P.F. Lesgaft, physical exercises, therapeutic physical culture
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