Ponomarenko Gennadiy Nikolaevich, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, Director General of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; head of the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 193015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: ponomarenko_g@mail.ru
Vladimirova Oxana Nikolaevna, PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled Persons, head of the Department of public health and health of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: vladox1204@yandex.ru
Shestakov Vladimir Petrovich, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, head of the Scientific Direction of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: Schestakov.V.P@yandex.ru
Svintsov Alexander Anatolyevich, PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled Persons of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; Associate Professor of Geriatrics and nursing department of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 193015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: aleksv53@yandex.ru
Chernyakina Tatyana Sergeevna, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, head of the Department of monitoring the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of preventive medicine and health protection of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 193015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: maimulovt@mail.ru
Raduto Vladimir Ivanovich, senior researcher of the Department of monitoring the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: radutoy@mail.ru
Rocheva Yana Sergeevna, leading researcher of the Department of monitoring the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Bestuzhevskaya street 50, Saint-Petersburg, 195067, Russian Federation; e-mail: rocheva_yana@mail.ru
Koluka Olga Evgenyevna, senior researcher of the Department of monitoring the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail: Problemkom@mail.ru
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Journal number: 3
Pages: 7-16
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 341.1/8-342.7
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2020-2-3-7-16
The discussion article examines the models of disability on the basis of which the social policy of state is based, and provides an analysis of international instruments aimed at the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities in various sectors of social relations, containing principles and guidelines that influence the promotion, formulation and evaluation of policies, plans, programmes and activities at the international, national, and regional levels for the further promotion of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by the Russian Federation in 2012, is the most significant document in the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities to independent living. The achievements of the Russian Federation in ensuring accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life (health care, education, social protection, physical culture and sports, culture), development of innovative technologies for early assistance, assisted living, and assisted employment are considered.
The article identifies organizational, legal and methodological tools for the transition of the Russian Federation to a human rights model of disability within the framework of the fulfilment of international obligations.
Keywords: disability, human rights model, international public law, social policy
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1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights / is adopted at the third session of the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 217 And (III) of December 10, 1948. Russian Newspaper of April 5, 1995 no, 67.
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