Indicators of contextual factors of clients, affecting the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process


Rogacheva Tatiana Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Diagnosis and Monitoring of the Regional Centre for Rehabilitation of the Disabled of the Ministry of Social Policy of Sverdlovsk oblast, Russian Federation, 620089 Ekaterinburg, Belinskogo Street, 173 A; e-mail:

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 4 

Pages: 15-21

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 364

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-4-15-21


Introduction. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, posted on the official website, as of January 1, 2016, 12.6 million citizens with disabilities were registered in Russia. As of January 1, 2015, 30% of all Russian disabled people registered in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation belong to the category of citizens of working age, among whom the most numerous group is citizens aged from 31 to 59 years in men and from 31 to 54 years in women (378,000 people). The share of working disabled people in the total number of disabled people registered in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from 2012 to 2019 decreased from 2,276,000 people to 1,655,000 people.
Therefore, the role of rehabilitation measures for the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process is increasing.
Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in the rehabilitation process allows specialists to define clearly the goals and objectives of rehabilitation, to build an adequate rehabilitation route, to identify both individual and personal and contextual factors that can be both a barrier and a resource for a disabled person.

Aim. To analyze the role of personal factors in the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process during rehabilitation in a particular institution.

Materials and methods. Clinical and psychodiagnostic examination of 400 clients of the rehabilitation center who underwent rehabilitation in 2018 with the use of psychodiagnostic and statistical methods (diagnostics of the types of attitude to a disease, assessment of rehabilitation potential of personality, Etkind’s colour test of relationship). Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out using the SPSS package.

Results. The effectiveness of the rehabilitation process is directly related to the gender and age of the disabled. The effectiveness of women of working age is directly related to the group of disability, change in attitude to themselves and stability to their disease in the process of rehabilitation. In men of working age, the effectiveness depends on the stability of the attitude to themselves and the change in attitude to the disease in the process of rehabilitation.
The lack of rehabilitation results in men and women with high rehabilitation potential and high motivation is associated with a diffuse attitude to the disease and the rejection of socio-psychological, socio-domestic and socio- environmental services.

Conclusion. Focus on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in the rehabilitation process makes it possible to pay attention to contextual factors, in particular to the determinant “attitudes”.
The client’s settings of the rehabilitation organization are identified with the help of psychodiagnostic tools, which allow specify the rehabilitation route, planning the services that the client needs.

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