Implementation of state policy on the implementation of the provisions of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in the russian federation


Chernyakina Tatiana Sergeevna — Grand PhD in Medical sciences (Dr. Med. Sci.), Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department for Monitoring the Observance of the Rights of Disabled People of the Institute for Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled People, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Protection of the I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 47 Piskarevsky Ave., 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; phone mob.; e-mail:

Svintsov Alexander Anatolievich — PhD in Medical sciences (Cand. Med. Sci.), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled People, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Shestakov Vladimir Petrovich — Grand PhD in Medical sciences (Dr. Med. Sci.), Professor, Head of the scientific direction, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Raduto Vladimir Ivanovich — senior researcher at the Department of Monitoring the Observance of the Rights of Disabled People at the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled People, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Koliuka Olga Evgenievna — senior researcher of the Department of monitoring the observance of the Rights of Disabled People of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled People, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Rocheva Yana Sergeevna — PhD in Medical sciences (Cand. Med. Sci.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Monitoring the Observance of the Rights of Disabled People of the Institute of Rehabilitation and Habilitation of Disabled People, Albrecht Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; Associate Professor of the Department of Public Relations of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova Street, 197376 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2024 Volume: 6 Journal number: 2 

Pages: 60-71

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 616-036.82/.85

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2024-6-2-60-71


Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for systematic monitoring of the results achieved in the implementation of the norms and provisions identified by international treaties ratified by the Russian Federation, ensuring the creation of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities to lead a decent independent life in the local community, without discrimination, through systematic improvement of the state’s social policy. The article examines the achievements of the Russian Federation in the field of accessibility of priority facilities and services over 10 years of implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” and other national strategic projects.

Aim. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation.

Materials and methods. The work uses the annual reports of the Ministry of Labour of Russia for 2011-2022 “Reports on the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment”, the Ministry of Education of Russia on creating conditions for inclusive education of children, adolescents and youth in educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the Federal state statistical observation form N 7-sobes “Information on medical and social examination of persons aged 18 and older” and N 7d-sobes “Information on medical and social examination of persons under the age of 18”. The study methods included content analysis of legal documents, comparative statistical analysis of information about the situation of persons with disabilities.

Results. The country has a legal system that ensures the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities: the rights are legally enshrined, the mechanisms for their implementation are regulated, the procedure for state control over the implementation of adopted regulations and norms, and control by independent organizations. For the period from 2011 to 2021 as part of the implementation of the activities of the state program “Accessible Environment” and the “road maps” of the subjects of the Russian Federation, positive results of accessibility of facilities and services in all priority areas of life of people with disabilities in the total number of priority facilities were achieved.

Discussion. The effective implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, as well as the activities of the “local community” in the implementation and development of a comprehensive rehabilitation system, including accompanied accommodation and accompanied employment of disabled people, early assistance to children and their families, can contribute to the addition of the Law on Social Protection of Disabled People with a structural unit containing the competence of local governments in the field of social protection (support) persons with disabilities, as well as monitoring their implementation.

Conclusion. Monitoring of the implementation of the state program allows us to conclude that in 2021, almost all indicators reached the target values, improving the accessibility of the environment allowed disabled people to realize their right to receive various social services, education, health, culture, physical culture and sports, as evidenced by the indicators of satisfaction of disabled people with the accessibility of facilities and the quality of services provided — more than 75 % of respondents.

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