Jamil R. Giniyatullov, PhD in Economic Sciences, deputy head of the Technical department for orthopedics of the Moscow Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise, 17A Korovinskoe Highway, 125412 Moscow, Russian Federation, е-mail: info@mprop.ru; gdr.spb@hotmail.com
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2021 Volume: 3 Journal number: 4
Pages: 26-31
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 001.895:658
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2021-3-4-26-31
Introduction. The article deals with the problems of organizational development of enterprises producing orthopedic shoes using integration mechanisms. Improving the activities of enterprises based on the use of modern information and technological innovations requires changing the economic content of the internal organizational and economic structure, determining the share and place of individual elements, forms and methods of their interaction. In fact, as a result of innovation, a qualitatively new type of production is formed, both in its external form and in its internal content, which necessitates a systematic restructuring of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of the production environment. At the same time, the primary problem that needs to be solved remains the formation of directions for the development of production and management processes, as well as providing them with appropriate resources.
Aim. The aim of the research is to study the organization of the activities of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the development of enterprises for the production of orthopedic shoes.
Materials and methods. The research material was the organization of the activities of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, material and technical support, various organizational, economic and financial models of innovative development of an enterprise for the production of orthopedic shoes. The methods of system analysis and modeling of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the integrated structure are applied.
Results. There are two trends in the production of orthopedic shoes to date: this is due to the fact that the production of orthopedic shoes, on the one hand, belongs to the social sphere (healthcare), and on the other — to the production (shoe industry).
The first trend is to determine the social policy of the state for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, their inclusion in the workforce, improving the quality of life, which determines the relationship between social protection, medicine, education and production.
The second trend is based on the processes of development of orthopedic footwear production using innovations in the field of shoe technology, which allows to fix the relationship between science, production and the economy. In this case, the economic basis of development is private entrepreneurship.
In this situation, the pace of technical re-equipment is still constrained by the lack of mechanisms for the formation of various organizational, economic and financial models of innovative development.
As one of the variants of organizational structures, it is advisable to consider the use of integration tools, which are understood as all mechanisms that contribute to a fuller use of the potential of integration participants. The economic essence of combining the capabilities of interested economic entities is to create a synergistic effect that arises on the basis of purposeful and coordinated interactions. Therefore, in modern reorganization programs, despite the desire for autonomy, structural organizational measures play an important role.
Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, a model of the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism of an integrated structure has been developed. Any combination of the listed elements, for which its most characteristic interrelations and mutual understanding are essential, can be considered as a possible option for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the development of an enterprise, allowing to move to a new level of quality.
Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism of development, orthopedic footwear production, partnership relations
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