Tsukurova Larisa A., PhD in Medical sciences, Head of the Department of neurology, psychiatry, psychology of the Kuban Medical Institute, Budyonny Street 198, Krasnodar, 350015, Russian Federation; е-mail: laraneuro@mail.ru; phone: 8-918-441-45-30.
Nuvoli Anna V., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor, leading researcher of the Treatment and Diagnostic Center Nazareth, Novoozernenskaja Street 1, Krylovka village, Saky district, Republic of Crimea, 296580, Russian Federation; e-mail: trostoide@gmail.com; phone: +7-978-847-36-44.
Vlasenko Sergey V., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, senior researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Children’s Balneology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Mayakovsky Street 6, Yevpatoria, Republic of Crimea, 297412, Russian Federation; Head of the Department of the Yevpatoria Military Clinical Children’s Sanatorium named after E.P. Glinka of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Duvanovskaya Street 21, Yevpatoria, 296408, Russian Federation; е-mail: vlasenko65@rambler.ru; phone: 8-978-764-20-33.
Masberg Igor V., PhD in Biological sciences, senior researcher of the Treatment and Diagnostic Center Nazareth, Novoozernenskaja Street 1, Krylovka village, Saky district, Republic of Crimea, 296580, Russian Federation; e-mail: office@neptuneland.ru; phone: +7-978-855-46-51.
Yeremenko Svetlana F., researcher of the Treatment and Diagnostic Center Nazareth, Novoozernenskaja Street 1, Krylovka village, Saky district, Republic of Crimea, 296580, Russian Federation; e-mail: sveksay@yandex.ru; phone: +7-978-702-96-02.
Shevtsov Antony O., researcher of the Treatment and Diagnostic Center Nazareth, Novoozernenskaja Street 1, Krylovka village, Saky district, Republic of Crimea, 296580, Russian Federation; e-mail: evpanton@mail.ru; phone: +7-978-710-03-01.
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Journal number: 4
Pages: 40-48
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 616.71- 615.21-053.2
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-4-40-48
Introduction. The study of pathogenetic mechanisms of autism spectrum disorders and the development of the most environmentally friendly methods of rehabilitation are relevant in addressing the issues of successful adaptation in society of this contingent of patients.
Aim. To evaluate the dynamics of gamma-aminobutyric acid in children with autism spectrum disorders in the process of therapeutic swimming and adaptive freediving.
Materials and methods. 69 children with autism spectrum disorders aged from 5 to 14 years were examined.
Group 1: 23 children, received a common sanatorium and resort treatment; group 2: 24 children, who received a course of therapeutic swimming on the background of sanatorium and resort treatment; group 3: 22 children, who received a course of adaptive freediving on the background of sanatorium and resort treatment. The control group consisted of 22 healthy children. The examination included examination by specialists, assessment of the severity of autism spectrum disorder using the CARS scale (Child Autism Rating Scale), electroencephalographic examination, determination of gamma-aminobutyric acid in blood serum before and after the treatment complexes.
Results. After the sanatorium and resort treatment in group 1 there was a significant increase in gamma- aminobutyric acid (p<0.05) in children with autism spectrum disorders with moderate clinical symptoms. In group 2 gamma-aminobutyric acid significantly increased in the group with severe hyperactivity (p<0.05). In group 3 gamma- aminobutyric acid indices significantly increased in children with hyperactivity, aggression, expressed stereotypes (p<0.05), and also showed improvement in electroencephalography with initial epileptic patterns (p<0.01).
Conclusion. It was revealed that children with autism spectrum disorders had a decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid – the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain. There was a more significant decrease in gamma- aminobutyric acid in children with autism and severe symptoms of hyperactivity, aggression, as well as having epileptiform activity on electroencephalography. It was found that the common sanatorium and resort treatment has a positive effect on the performance of gamma-aminobutyric acid in children with autism with moderate symptoms. Inclusion in the sanatorium and resort treatmenta course of therapeutic swimming increases the level of gamma- aminobutyric acid in children with severe hyperactivity. Inclusion in the course of sanatorium and resort treatment a course of adaptive freediving increases gamma-aminobutyric acid in severe clinical symptoms of hyperactivity and aggression and epileptiform activity on electroencephalography.
Keywords: adaptive freediving, autism spectrum disorders, children, gamma-aminobutyric acid, sanatorium and resort treatment, therapeutic swimming
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