Bez’yazichny Vyacheslav Feoktistovich, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department “Technology of aircraft engines and general engineering” Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, 53 Pushkin Street, Rybinsk, 152934, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Eliseichev Evgeny Alexandrovich, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics Department, Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, 53 Pushkin Street, Rybinsk, 152934, Russian Federation; e-mail:;
Blinov Ilya Sergeevich, Junior researcher of Engineering Center “Digital Machine Building” of Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, 53 Pushkin Street, Rybinsk, 152934, Russian Federation; e-mail:;
Mikhaylov Vladimir Vladimirovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Engineering Center “Digital power engineering” Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, 53 Pushkin Street, Rybinsk, 152934, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Tyaptin Artem Anatolievich, PhD in Medical Sciences, functional diagnostics specialist, neurologist, “Mezhdunarodnyj institute funkcional’noj rekonstruktivnoj mikrohirurgii”, 93 Tutaevskoye Hwy, Yaroslavl, 150004, Russian Federation; e-mail:
In the heading: Rewiews
Year: 2023 Volume: 5 Journal number: 3
Pages: 59-65
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 617.57-77
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2023-5-3-59-65
Introduction. Creation and improvement of bioelectrically controlled forearm prostheses (hereinafter referred to as prosthesis) is one of the main directions of modern medical technology. In order to improve the prosthesis operation it is necessary to determine the optimal set of grips that will allow to restore the functionality of the lost upper limb in the most complete way.
Aim. To determine the optimal set of grips for a prosthesis based on the analysis of wrist grips used by a person without musculoskeletal system damage in everyday life.
Materials and Methods. Existing taxonomies describing the wrist grips of a person without musculoskeletal injury were analysed, as well as scientific papers where experiments were conducted to determine the frequency and time of use of the grips identified in the taxonomies.
Results. As the reviewed papers used different taxonomies, the nine contractions most frequently used during daily activities and work were identified to combine the results. For each grip, finger positions and functions were described, and their use with everyday objects was illustrated. Experimental data from the reviewed research papers were combined and presented in the form of a bar graph showing the average time of use of each of the described grips.
Discussion. A particular set of grips accounted for 97.3% of the usage time of all grips used by humans during daily activities and work. It is concluded that these grips can be accepted as the optimal set of grips for a prosthesis. It was also determined that power grips are the most popular group of grips, accounting for more than half of the use time.
Conclusion. New data has been obtained on the frequency of use of different types of basic grips during daily activities and work. The findings can be applied to the design of new prostheses or to the refinement of the set of grips in existing prosthesis models.
Keywords: anthropometry, Bioelectrically controlled forearm prosthesis, data analysis, grip set
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