Bakhtina Irina Sergeevna, PhD in Medical sciences, Director of the Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +79219074717; e-mail:;
Kalinina Svetlana Alekseevna, PhD in Medical sciences, lecturer, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +79668597425; e-mail:;
Garderobova Larisa Vladimirovna, PhD in Medical sciences, Deputy director for scientific and methodological work of the Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +7911821857; e-mail:;
Smirnova Svetlana Sergeevna, lecturer, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +7 (905) 266-15-47; e-mail:
Kolobanova Natalia Gennadievna, lecturer, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +7 (921) 398-33-23; e-mail:
Balandina Irina Nikolaevna, head of practical training, lecturer, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +7 (921) 313-45-04; e-mail:;
Gainutdinova Olga Valerievna, head of the Department of the organization of the educational process, Federal StateFinanced Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education “The Saint-Petersburg Center of Postgraduate Medical Education under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, 41 Lunacharskogo Ave., 194291 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; tel.: +7-911-923-20-04; e-mail:
In the heading: Original researches
Year: 2023 Volume: 5 Journal number: 1
Pages: 9-18
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 616.988
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2023-5-1-9-18
Introduction. The relevance of this study is determined by the high prevalence and social significance of the negative consequences of COVID-19, including the formation of chronic pain syndrome.
Aim. To analyze the prevalence of chronic pain syndrome in people who have undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and to determine the target areas of nursing rehabilitation care in accordance with the domains of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
Materials and methods. Based on the analysis of the literature, a questionnaire was compiled for a patient who underwent COVID-19, including a self-assessment of pain syndrome according to the nursing domains of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. In the period June-September 2022, a sociological study was conducted: a patient survey was carried out and a statistical analysis was carried out. The study involved 496 respondents who underwent COVID-19 during the year: 83.9 % of them were women, 16,1 % were men; 68.2 % were treated on an outpatient basis, 10 % in a hospital; 21.8 % had an asymptomatic infection. Respondents complained of disorders of the nervous (87.2 %), cardiovascular (68.5 %), respiratory (55 %), genitourinary systems (45.3 %), gastrointestinal tract (57.9 %), mental and behavioral disorders (85.6 %). The frequency of occurrence of pain syndrome and the degree of severity (in points) of pain of a certain localization among patients who had profile complaints at the time of examination were determined.
Results. A serious consequence of a new coronavirus infection is pain syndrome. Aching pains, multiple localization, are moderate, but result in reduced mobility and astenize the patient. Common spinal pain (76.3 %), predominantly lumbar pain (29.5 %) and neck pain (26.9 %), less common thoracic pain (19.9 %), joints pain (58.7 %), muscles pain (55.4 %), sternal pain (31.4 %), abdominal pain (52.6 %), kidney projection (56.7 % or less), in the throat (17.7 %) and in the eyes (24.5 %). Generalized pain syndrome was noted by 35.1 % of respondents, a few localizations — 34.3 %, pain in one part of the body — 30.6 %. On average, there is moderate pain in the spine and joints (1.8 points), urination, sternum (2.0 points). There are slight pains in the throat (1.4 points), in the eyes (1.3 points), in the kidney projection (1.5 points).
Discussion. Respondents described the most intense pain in urination, vertebralgia, arthralgia and myalgia, the least intense pain in the throat and eyes. Men report more severe pain syndrome: abdominal pains (2.1 points), bladder projection pains and chest pains (2.0 points each). Women experience less pain on average, but more frequent complaints: abdominal pain and chest pain (1.4 points each).
Conclusion. Chronic post-COVID pain syndrome reduces the quality of life of the patient, limiting their domestic and labour activity and participation in society, provoking mental manifestations of post-COVID syndrome. Most patients who have had COVID-19 experience moderate or mild pain of various localization. Dynamic monitoring of pain syndrome based on Pain Assessment Scales and the formation of a therapeutic environment, including the use of methods of non-pharmacological anesthesia at the stages of rehabilitation belong to the competence of nurses. It is necessary to include the section “Prevention and treatment of chronic pain syndrome” in the programs of additional professional education of secondary medical personnel in the specialties “Nursing” and “Rehabilitation nursing”.
Keywords: chronic pain syndrome, Disability and Health (ICF), International Classification of Functioning, post-COVID syndrome, rehabilitation nursing
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