Slabospitskii Maksim Andreevich, MD, traumatologist-orthopedist, City Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov, 19 Admirala Oktyabr’skogo Street, 299011 Sevastopol, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Tkachenko Alexandr Nikolaevich, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 191015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7-911-215-19-72, e-mail:
Dorofeev Yuri Leonidovich, PhD in Medical sciences, Ava-Peter LLC, Scandinavia Clinic, 4/1 Ilyushina Street, 197372 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Khaydarov Valery Mikhailovich, PhD in Medical sciences, senior lab technician of the Department of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 191015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Mansurov Djalolidin Shamsidinovich, PhD in Medical sciences, MD, orthopedist, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Street, 191015 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail:
In the heading: Rewiews
Year: 2021 Volume: 3 Journal number: 4
Pages: 77-86
Article type: scientific and practical
UDC: 616.717.4-001.6-089
DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2021-3-4-77-86
Introduction. Both in Russia and around the world, shoulder joint dislocation is the most frequent among dislocations of all joints, accounting for about 45 %. The number of patients with dislocation of the shoulder joint does not have a steady downward trend in any country. There are many ways of conservative reduction of dislocation of the shoulder joint. Methods of reduction are vividly discussed in scientific forums and in the publications of specialized journals. The review is devoted to the analysis of the literature data concerning the features of the method of reduction of dislocation of the shoulder joint.
Results. Methods of conservative reduction of dislocation of the shoulder joint have a long history, but to this day have not lost their relevance. The widespread dislocation of the shoulder joint has led to the emergence of many methods of treating this pathology. At the same time, the recurrence of shoulder joint dislocation is observed on average in 50 % of clinical observations, and most often it occurs in young patients. The disadvantages of the methods of reduction of the primary traumatic dislocation of the shoulder joint are noted by many authors. According to these researchers, the frequency of complications (first of all, it is a habitual dislocation of the shoulder, instability of the shoulder joint, contracture of the shoulder) varies widely: from 15 to 95 %. The review presents the main methods of conservative reduction of shoulder joint dislocation, describes the frequency and structure of complications. Special attention is paid to anesthesia in the correction of dislocation of the shoulder joint.
Conclusion. In contrast to the previously existing opinion about the need for analgesia of the reduction procedure, modern data on the good results of its implementation without the use of local or general anesthesia are given. The presented review of the literature allows us to orient ourselves in the current state of this issue.
Keywords: anesthesia support, shoulder joint dislocation, shoulder joint dislocation reduction
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