Assisted living is a modern way of social assistance


Fedorova Irina Aleksandrovna, Chairman of the Novosibirsk Interregional Public Organization of Disabled People of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People — the Russian Union of Disabled People “Integration Association”, 14 Esenina Street, 630089 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; tel.: +7 (913) 006 01 18; e-mail:

Yadrentseva Veronika Aleksandrovna, teacher-defectologist of the Novosibirsk Interregional Public Organization of Disabled People of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People — the Russian Union of Disabled People “Integration Association”, 14 Esenina Street, 630089 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; tel.: +7 (913) 799 05 22; e-mail:

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2021 Volume: 3 Journal number: 4 

Pages: 71-76

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 36+616.036.86

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2021-3-4-71-76


Introduction. The form of providing social assistance “assisted living” to persons with disabilities with an increase in the number of disabled people (according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total number of disabled for 2021 was 11631 thousand people) and a change in the legal component regulating the rights of disabled people and providing them with social assistance is now becoming relevant and significant. And the problems associated with the introduction and implementation of assisted living in our country require their detailed consideration and solution.

The aim of the work is to consider an alternative form of assistance persons with disabilities “assisted living”, highlighting problems and outlining solutions.

Materials and methods. The method of this study is the modeling of the “assisted living technology”. Assisted living includes the following mandatory components: Assisted work (day) employment; organization of leisure activities in free time; organization of space. It is important that at the same time, a person with a disability is helped to organize his or her social and household activities, that is, he or she lives by himself (herself) and all this happens in real time, real life on the territory of common residence and in places of ordinary residence.
The presented form is suitable for the following categories of persons: people with mental disorders, behavioral disorders, intellectual and mental disorders. This group is diverse, and this group may include people with severe developmental disorders: a combination of mental disorders or behavioral disorders with sensory disorders (hearing or vision disorders), for example, the blind with intellectual disability.

Results and discussion. The article presents several forms of providing social assistance to such a category of the population as the disabled. The issues of the modern form of life arrangement “assisted living”, which is a socially significant form of assistance to persons with intellectual and psychophysical disabilities, are considered, the conditions for the implementation of the technology of accompanied living are highlighted.

Conclusion. In modern society, the demand for the creation of hospital-substituting technologies is increasing, including support in real time, real life in the territory of common residence and in places of ordinary residence of people with disabilities. The presented pattern is associated with an increase in the number of disabled people (according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total number of disabled for 2021 was 11631 thousand people) and a change in the legal component regulating the rights of disabled people and providing them with social assistance.

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