About the content of professional development programs for teachers of additional professional education for specialists in rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people


Gordievskaya Elena Olegovna, psychologist, PhD Рed. Sci., Associate Professor, senior researcher, Department of professional and psychological rehabilitation of disabled persons, Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. E-mail: gordik33@mail.ru.

Starobinа Elena Mikhailovna, Grand PhD Рed. Sci., Associate Professor, head of the Department of professional and psychological rehabilitation of disabled people, Albrecht Federal Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 50 Bestuzhevskaya Street, 195067 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. E-mail: estarobina@yandex.ru.

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2021 Volume: 3 Journal number: 2 

Pages: 64-70

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 37.018.46+377.112.4 +364

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2021-3-2-64-70


Introduction. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the content of exemplary advanced training programs for teachers in the system of additional professional education for specialists in the field of complex rehabilitation and habilitation.

Aim. Development of additional sample training programs for teachers of additional vocational education for specialists working in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people; determination of key competencies of teachers, taking into account the formation of readiness to work with an adult audience, organizational, legal and methodological issues of training adult target audience in accordance with the profile types of professional activities of students.

Materials and methods included the implementation of information search in the field of organizational, legal and methodological issues of training specialists working in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people, modern approaches to the provision of services for additional professional education of specialists in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people and children with disabilities; study and generalization of the most successful pedagogical technologies and practices in the field of additional professional education; research and generalization of materials on organizational, legal and methodological issues of ensuring the conditions for the implementation of additional vocational education for this category of students; general structural analysis of the problems on the topic of the research, carried out on the basis of the analytical and substantive activities of teachers of additional vocational education.

Results and discussion. The additional exemplary advanced training programs developed by the authors act as a scientifically grounded basis for the formation of work programs in the direction of advanced training of teachers in the system of additional vocational education in the field of complex rehabilitation and habilitation, providing a level of preparedness that meets modern requirements and needs in the target area of activity of multidisciplinary specialists.

Conclusion. Professional development of specialists on the basis of the developed programs will provide the teaching staff of additional vocational education, the tasks of which are to improve the qualifications of specialists of this profile, both with knowledge in the field of adult education, innovative approaches and technologies in the field of education of adult audience, and in terms of knowledge of the basics of complex rehabilitation and habilitation, interdepartmental interaction, urgent tasks solved in the course of the main professional activity by the target audience. This level of preparedness of the teaching staff will make it possible to most effectively carry out the task of increasing the personnel potential of employees of organizations and institutions of complex rehabilitation and habilitation, which, in turn, will contribute to a more effective and efficient solution of the main professional tasks by specialists trained by qualified and specially trained teachers.

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