The human environmental medicine technology in a treatment of the coronavirus disease (covid-19)


Donchenko Elena Victorovna, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Head of the Clinic of Environmental Medicine, 6 Tipanov Street, 197046 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, tel.: (812) 309-38-30,; e-mail:

In the heading: Original researches

Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Journal number: 3 

Pages: 27-39

Article type: scientific and practical

UDC: 612.017.1:576.8]616-097

DOI: 10.26211/2658-4522-2020-2-3-27-39


Introduction. The emergence of a new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), its rapid spread across the planet, has put the health system of most countries in a difficult situation. This deadly virus has already claimed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. Despite intensive research on the mechanisms of antiviral immunity in recent years, both more studied (hepatitis B and C, influenza A, etc.) and less (herpes types 6-8, hepatitis G, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, etc.), many of its sides have not yet been finally resolved. It is clear that the development of a vaccine and the search for antiviral drugs are important activities, but they require quite a long time. The human body is a single, integral system that contains mechanisms for self-regulation, self-healing and resistance to various infections, including viral ones. The main element of protection, as we know, is the immune system. The human body has another powerful defense system — the antioxidant system. This system plays a major role in the body’s responses to the invasion of foreign molecules and cells, including the implementation of immune protection.
Previously described the results of treatment of various diseases using the human environmental medicine technology — a new direction in medicine that deals with the restoration and maintenance of human health with environmental, natural methods of recovery, taking into account and respecting the laws of the human body (E. V.
Donchenko, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2010).

Aim. To describe a clinical case and justify the effectiveness of using the technology of human environmental medicine — endoecological rehabilitation of the internal environment of the body in the clinically diagnosed Coronavirus disease in a patient.

Materials and methods. Clinical observation and computed tomography of the lungs, clinical blood tests of a patient who arrived from Thailand. The clinical picture of the corresponded to the Coronavirus disease. As a method of treatment, the technology of environmental medicine, the endoecological rehabilitation program of the internal environment of the body, was applied, which included a method of hyperthermic intestinal dialysis in combination with antioxidant, immunomodulating non-specific, antiviral therapy (Patents of the Russian Federation from 13.07.1993: No. 2078555 “Method for removing metabolic products in chronic diseases of internal organs”, No. 2078571 “Method for treating chronic hepatitis”, No. 2066186 “Method for relieving asthma attacks”, E. V. Donchenko, 1993).

Results and discussion. A clinical case is described. In February, the center for environmental medicine observed a patient, a man, 39 years old, 2 weeks after arriving from Thailand, fell ill with a viral disease, was treated independently, but his health remained unsatisfactory: he was concerned about shortness of breath, a strong cough. With these symptoms, he sought medical help. A CT scan of the lungs revealed pneumonia with characteristic signs of “frosted glass” in the images. It should be noted that at that time there were no tests for detection of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), no quarantine. The patient underwent the endoecological rehabilitation program (E. V. Donchenko, 2008). It included hyperthermic intestinal dialysis, which provides blood thinning, improves microcirculation, and prevents the gluing (sludge syndrome) of red blood cells (E. V. Donchenko, 2018), which is one of the reasons for the severe course of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The Program used antioxidant, immunomodulatory, non- specific, antiviral therapy for 10 days. When repeated CT scans were performed, the effect of “frosted glass” in the lungs was not determined. In January–February, a number of patients who came from Thailand, who also had the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with similar symptoms and examination results, were successfully treated.

Conclusion. The human environmental medicine technology, including hyperthermic intestinal dialysis in combination with the use of antioxidant, immunomodulatory, non-specific, antiviral therapy, which restores microcirculation, provides the elimination of toxic metabolites from the blood, aimed at increasing the protective forces and self-healing capabilities of the body (E. V. Donchenko, 1997, 2008), is promising, allows, on the one hand, to support the immune system and not get sick with a viral infection, including COVID-19, on the other hand, to provide an already ill person with an easier course of the disease, a more effective, high-quality recovery.

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